Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

The movie Schindler's List shows the brutal time during the Holocaust. As a viewer the most powerful scene I saw was when all the Jews were packed into a train to go to Auschwitz, the worst death camp. The people were suffocated and hungry. Another part of the movie I thought was powerful was the children. The children were searching places to hide from the Nazis. A boy was looking all over to hide and then he had to hid in the toilet. The worse thing is that the children were separated from their parents. An image that will stay with me from the film is when the guy goes in the sewer just to escape. Then the Nazis were in the sewer killing people.

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

The documentary "Night and Fog" was sad and disturbing. I thought it was horrible the way the Nazis treated the Jews. When the Jews died, they just dumped them into a hole. It is different from the movie because the documentary shows little clips from the Holocaust and the movie shows a lot of details. I think the film illustrates the Holocaust more effectively from the movie because they show what happened from the very beginning. I didn't find it that powerful because they only showed the people dying.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

I think that the US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945 is the number one news story of the century. The atomic bombing took the lives of everyone in Japan and in America. Little boy was dropped in Nagasaki while Fat boy was dropped in Hiroshima. Many people died from radiation. I think that this shouldn't be the number one news story of the century because there were bigger stories. Martin Luther King Jr being assassinated was a big story because he let people come together. I also think that earthquake in San Francisco should be last because earthquakes happens all over the world. This is what I would change.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Germany at War - WW II

A propganda is a poster that influenced people in a time of war. Some of the posters will tell the people to help join the war or help people in need. The poster is saying that Germany destroyed Britain. The fist represent that Germany wants to take over the east. I think that cross is showing that Churchill's grave because of the cross. This is what the poster is about.